Interview French District

  • Exemples (examples)
    Rencontre avec l’un des meilleurs chefs au monde, Christophe Bonnegrace
    L’investissement immobilier locatif digitalisé
    La musique au cœur de la nature avec Joachim Garraud
    Un espace neutre et confidentiel
  • (Your Name)
  • (Company name)
  •   Vous et votre société…

  • (Who are you and what do you do?)
  • (What are the main steps of your career?)
  • (Why this passion for your profession?)
  •   Les Etats-Unis et vous…

  • (Why did you expatriate yourself? - If Applicable)
  • (How is practicing your profession in the United States different from that in France?)
  • (Is it hard to find a place in your sector in the United States?)
  • (What is your best encounter in the United States to date?)
  • (Which of your different expatriate experiences taught you the most and why?)
  • (What do you like most about the United States? What do you like least?)
  • (Did you easily adapt to the United States? (Social relationships, new lifestyle habits ...) ?)
  • (Tell us a few lines about your typical day.)
  • (What advice would you give to future Francophones embarking on an adventure in the United States?)
  • (What are your projects and what can we wish you?)
  • Types de fichiers acceptés : jpg, gif, png, pdf, Taille max. des fichiers : 15 MB.
    Une photo portrait de vous ou de votre société
    A portrait photo of you or your company
  • Toutes les informations permettant aux lecteurs de vous contacter seront présentées à la fin de cet article.
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    Reminder (extract from our general conditions of sale): the publisher of the site reserves the right not to publish the advertiser's texts and photos and if these are deemed to be contrary to law or editorial line of the site. The advertiser remains responsible for the content provided to the publisher, in particular concerning possible problems of brand, copyright and respect for private life.