Be French

L’Ecole de France, The School of French Etiquette and « Savoir-Vivre » : Offered at your residence, in-situ or group classes Josiane-Charlotte can teach wherever you are about the “French Etiquette”.

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In the 17th century, the King of France established a strict code of etiquette that dictated every step and all behavior at the Palace of Versailles. Ultimately, it set the standard for every royal court of Europe. 
It was the dawn of fine etiquette. While originally designed for behavior «at court», the rules of etiquette have evolved and are equally relevant to one’s success today.

The Founder, Josiane-Charlotte Robédat, was a lawyer in France for 40 years. As a « laureate du concours de plaidoirie » her personal presentation and verbal skills were imperative to her success.

«Through my father, a high-ranking officer, I travelled the many continents of the world and discovered their various cultures: the steamers carried us towards Africa, Madagascar, and other continents… My mother was a woman of simple elegance. As a young girl, I would sneak into her closet to try on her beautiful evening gowns… cherished memories ! I studied to become a lawyer. As such, one is must present oneself well to the courts and the people and express oneself with influence and success

Enter the world of refinement where Jean Cocteau once said: «Vulgarity hates elegance as much as elegance hates vulgarity».

L’École de France is a completely new concept that combines «French Manners», the «French touch» and French language to create a holistic approach to carrying oneself with grace and confidence in every imaginable situation.

Etiquette and comportment provide a passport for achieving professional, social and personal success. 
Learning to speak French opens the door to the world of global privilege, cultural and the arts. Fashion, Theater, Architecture, Cooking.

Pratical Informations

Offered at your residence, in-situ or group classes

L’École de France
63 Wall St. Suite 2804
New York. NY 10005