French District Confidentials

Discovering France

Penny for our thoughts

The 100 best French movies ever- Part 2

On hearing “Je ne regrette rien” for the first time, had Edith Piaf exclaim, “You’re marvelous! This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for! It’s incredible! It’s me! That’s my life, it’s me.”

  So, continuing with our list of best French movies from last week, here are our recommendations –Take 2. Get your popcorn ready! 1. The City of Lost Children (1995) La Cité des enfants perdus A movie that began winning a...

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5 reasons to take your date to a French restaurant

Add a little French spark to your date and who knows, fireworks may be in store for you!

Worrying about how to make that date night special? You've already done the local hot spots, all the restaurants that are well known and cuisines that are regularly a part of your life. Since we are out to make every date count...

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The great French love affair with la vie Américaine

Why do many French people live in the US?

The number of French people residing in America is increasing and the reasons of the move are worth musing over. We’ll look at some reasons for the Gallic flocking on the American lands. The first baby steps… A religious movement...

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Funny French caricatures

Line drawings about the French as perceived by the rest of the world. Maybe…maybe not!

    It is said that, “A picture is worth a thousand words”. So we’ll let them do most of the talking here. Fair warning though…these are stereotypical and musings of the common mind. Don’t let them offend the Frenchie...

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